
Johan Thomas Lundbyes dagbøger

22. Jan. 1846

Rom 22 Jan 46.
Bulwers Bemærkning om en Balsal: Somehow or other, it is one of the scenes that reminds us most forcibly of the loss of youth! We are brought so closely in contact with the young and with the short-lived pleasures that once pleased us, (dog aldrig mig!) and have forfeited all bloom. Happy the man who turns from ”the tinkling cymbal” and ”the gallery of pictures,” and can think of some watchful eye and some kind heart at home. But those who have no home – and they are a numerous tribe – newer feel lonilier hermits, or sadder moralists, than i[n] such a crowd.

  1. Citat fra Edward Bulwer Lytton Alice or The Mysteries fra 1838, udgivet på dansk 1839.


22. Jan. 1846
Dagbog F, side 154

Den kgl. Kobberstiksamling, KKS19997

Bjarne Jørnæs (red.): Johan Thomas Lundbye. Rejsedagbøger 1845-1846, Statens Museum for Kunst 1976, s. 171; Jesper Svenningsen (red.): Seks år af et liv. Johan Thomas Lundbye – Dagbøger om tro, skæbne, kunst og kærlighed, København 2018, s. 399